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From earliest times the harbour of Tadoussac was the meeting place of the French traders and Indians who came to barter their furs. In 1600 first trading post established. For over two centuries, Tadoussac was an important trading post and missionary...

The map is intended to show those parts of the country that were actually seen by Cartier and Champlain. Other portions were probably visited by unknown sailors from France who left neither maps nor records of their voyages in quest of fish and furs...

The tree was either the hemlock or spruce. Cartier at once had some of it prepared. As soon as they had drunk it they felt better and after drinking it two or three times all who were willing to use it recovered health and strength.

During the winter of 1535-1536, which Cartier's company spent in the neighbourhood of Stadacona (now Quebec), they suffered severely from scurvy, a disease caused by eating too much salt meat, and the lack of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Though the Eskimo differ from the Indians in so many ways, it is probable that both are descended from the Mongolian stock of Asia. Some of the ruins of their prehistoric dwellings and camping places show traces of their contact with the Norsemen.

The Indians decorated their clothing, utensils, weapons, etc., with designs created by themselves, and applied by means of painting, carving, incising, weaving and embroidery.

The Indians decorated their clothing, utensils, weapons, etc., with designs created by themselves, and applied by means of painting, carving, incising, weaving and embroidery.

Lacrosse was developed from an Indian ball game in which a large and variable number of players took part. The name was given by the French on account of the stick by which the ball was caught and thrown.

Hoop & Javelin Game
Throwing the Snow Snake

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