Boyanoski, Christine. Sympathetic realism: George A. Reid and the academic
tradition. Toronto, Art Gallery of Ontario, 1986. 87 p. Illus.
- 9 - “Fig. 1 George A. Reid’s Life Class, 1886-87, courtesy of C. W.
Jefferys Estate Archive, Toronto….Back row, centre:
C.W. Jefferys…extreme left: W.W. Alexander.”
- 37 - “A number of his private pupils…went on to establish
reputations for themselves a prominent muralists – most
notably, F.S. Challener and C.W. Jefferys.”
- 46 - “Chronology by Robert Stacey…1887 Reid’s private life class
includes W.W. Alexander…F.S. Challener…C.W. Jefferys…”