Page 4
"Sent grain to the mill for the use of surveying party ..." -- Mr. Agustus Jones
D.F. Thomson '98

Page 8
"WE are to call the 'Bee' and provide everything necessary for the entertainment of our worthy hive" -- Mrs Traill Backwoods of Canada
J. Adams-Jefferys

Page 11
"The slopes of the hill were ..." -- G.M. Grant
"Arrival of the Voyageurs at a Hudson's Bay Post"
W.W. Alexander

Page 21
"People met at nightfall in the corners of quiet fields --- and there, received such instruction in military drill and movements as was possible" -- Dents 'Upper Canadian Rebellion"
C.W. Jefferys
The Toronto Art Student League Calendar - 1898
- "January - February - March - April - May - June 1898"
C.W. Jefferys - "Ninety-Eight A calendar for the year 1898"
C.W. Jefferys - "October" "A Political Meeting at 'The Corners'"
C.W. Jefferys - "People met at nightfall in the corners of quiet fields --- and there, received such instruction in military drill and movements as was possible" -- Dents 'Upper Canadian Rebellion"
C.W. Jefferys - "July - August - September - October - November - December"
C.W. Jefferys