Boyle, Terry. “C.W. Jefferys.” In Robert McLaughlin Gallery
Bulletin, Feb. 1977. Folder. Illus.
“A Prairie Trail, 1912”
“Landscape paintings by Charles William Jefferys, Canada’s well
known historical artist are to be exhibited March 16th to the 27th.”
“On February 10th at 8 p.m. Robert Stacey, Jefferys’ relation will
conduct a lecture dealing with the exhibition.”
“February Calendar…Feb. 2 – C.W. Jefferys Opening 8:00 p.m….
Feb. 10 - Lecture Series – ‘C.W. Jefferys Landscapes’ 8:00 p.m…”
“Lecture Series…The first lecture, ‘C.W. Jefferys – Landscapes’
will complement the current exhibition and will be given by Robert